Nor Nature Nor Nurture!

First of all, while reading the instructions, I was surprised when I went through the following sentence: “it’s how the parents raise or fail to raise their child“. A child that discovers his homosexual tendencies while growing up and living under his parents’ roof cannot be classified as a failure in raising the child. Parents show care and affection to children, some may exaggerate and some don’t show at all but it’s not related to the affection and care hence the way of raising a child that the child might turn gay or feel homosexual. 

Second of all, I believe that homosexuality is nor nurture nor nature. Till now, gay genes have not been discovered, if we compare a gay person’s chromosomes and a heterosexual person’s chromosomes, there would be no difference in the form or composition of the chromosomes, so the genetic aspect is definitely refuted. Let’s assume there were gay genes, since when does the expression of genes affect a way of thinking? A person certainly takes a moment to think and have several reflections towards his sexual tendencies before declaring his homosexuality. And the genes here cannot have an influence on that. Let’s assume a man turns gay at the age of 50, do these gay genes appear from nowhere and express themselves? I do not think that is possible. Being gay is not something related to biology nor a human’s composition and genetics. So the nature theory is not relevant and illogical. 

Third of all, let’s talk about the Middle East. Parents descendant from Arab countries tend to raise their children in the same way. Since we live in similar societies, parents tend to impose the same norms and principles of life. So we basically grow up in the same “nature”. however there are a lot of heterosexuals and a lot of homosexuals although we all grew up in basically the same environment. Hence the nurture argument is also invalid. We are all taught and raised in the same way, why do we grow up and end up with different tendencies? Let’s take the example of the two american siblings, they both lived under the same roof and both had a normal childhood, how come one turned out to be gay and the other got married and continued his life with a woman? 

Finally, I believe that the gay thing has nothing to do with nature or nurture, it’s all about feelings. It’s how a man or woman feels towards people from the same gender. Some men like to have sex with other men and some men cannot support that. It’s about attraction which comes from feelings.

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